Prose: Less than 6,000 words, though 5,000 words or less are generally preferred.
Poetry: 1-5 poems.
Maximum 800 words. Multiple submissions accepted, each with its own entry fee.
Judge: Elliott Holt
Prize: $800, publication in Paper Darts Vol. 5, and on its own website (with illustrations by Paper Darts)
Poetry: 5 poems maximum
Prose: 5,000 words maximum (up to 3 pieces of flash fiction)
The Pinch wants “he best you’ve got, the riskiest, the most personal, the most empathetic, the most challenging, the most beautiful.”
Online submissions are accepted. Mail all submissions to the appropriate editor at:The Pinch
Department of English
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-6176
The MacGuffin’s 18th National Poet Hunt Contest
Submit three poems along with an index card listing your name and contact information. Winners will be announced in September 2013. All entrants will receive one free copy of The MacGuffin’s Winter 2014 issue. Submissions must be postmarked between April 1 and June 3 to qualify.
Submit to:
The MacGuffin, Poet Hunt Contest Schoolcraft College 18600 Haggerty Road Livonia, MI 48152Judge: Philip Levine
Prize: $500, publication in the Winter 2014 issue of The MacGuffin.